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Charlotte Street | Danny Wallace | Review

Jason Priestly (not that Jason Priestly) has just met the girl of his dreams. Or has he? After helping a girl get her bags into a taxi, he realises that the girl has left something behind. And not just a silly something like a shoebox or a cookery book. A disposable camera. Now Jason must decide what he wants to do. Should he develop the photos in the camera and find out who she is? Or should he just leave it and throw it away? You must read to find out!

I thoroughly enjoyed Charlotte Street. Danny Wallace has written several books before, including Yes Man (Yes he was the actual Yes Man, the Yes Man that was the movie Yes Man. YES. MAN) but this was his first novel and I really think it's an excellent story. The story was also really funny and made me laugh out loud so many times. At the end of the day, it's a love story but there are so many things that happen which make you think it's more of a comedy book. It reminded me of The Understudy where the main character just does all these stupid things but you feel really sorry for Jason when it all goes "tits up," and mix that with the Rivers of London series.

The characters in this book are really hilarious. Jason's best friend Dev reminds me of an older version of Ben from Paper Towns. He has the greatest one liners and is a big idiot. It was mostly him that made me keel over laughing. I wish I could tell you more about the story but there are too many spoilers.

So overall, I'm going to give Charlotte Street a four out of five star rating. The reason why it's not five is because there were some bits which weren't quite as engaging as others. Nevertheless, I kept reading because I wanted to see where the story was going and how Jason was actually going to find "The Girl." I recommend this to anyone who loves a laugh and a good love story.

This book was reviewed by regular reviewer Lucy, get to know more about her here!
Photo from Goodreads

1 comment

  1. Ooh, I love Danny Wallace, and I just reviewed Rivers of London on my blog, so I'll definitely be picking this one up! Sounds right up my street! xx

    Squares - Bookworm and Beauty Enthusiast


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