Making Sense of Weather and Climate | Mark Denny | Review
*Image and Book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I picked this book up because I live in Michigan. In Michigan, we have the saying, "if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes, it'll change." So I was hoping that this book would help me to better understand things like Lake Effect and sudden shifts in weather. I was a little disappointed.
This book has a very slow start. I get Denny's attempt to approach weather and climate from this perspective. You need to know a lot of seemingly non-weather related things in order to fully understand weather and climate. That being said, I ended up skimming quite a bit. This book didn't really get my interest until the chapter on statistics.
This could easily be that my interest is more weather based while Denny is looking to talk about weather AND climate. If you wish to read this book, please make sure you're interested in both before attempting to read.