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State of Sorrow | Melinda Salisbury | Review

When I heard that Melinda Salisbury had a new book coming out, I was so excited that I actually pre-ordered it. I never pre-order books. But something about State of Sorrow had caught my attention and I impatiently waited for it.

All I knew about this book when I went into it was that it was about a young woman who lives in a land of sadness. Such a simple statement doesn't do it justice. This book centres on Sorrow, who was born and subsequently named during a time of absolute tragedy for her family and country. Since that day all she has known is mourning as her country grieves for the brother that died the day she was born.

Sorrow wants more.

I loved Sorrow as a character. She was strong, and confused, and determined, and fierce,  and flawed and utterly wonderful. She had so much life packed into her that it made the setting even more claustrophobic. I wanted her to succeed. She is the reason that I am desperately waiting for the sequel, even though I know it is going to be a long time before I am lucky enough to get to read that. I loved the development of Sorrow from page 1 to page 452 so I can only imagine how the rest of her arc will go in book two.

The world that Sorrow inhabits is also fantastic, from the mundane despair of Sorrow's home to the more vibrant places that she visits. You could really feel Melinda Salisbury stretching her creative muscles and showing off her talent.

Speaking of developing, I'm so excited for each new thing that Salisbury writes as she gets stronger with each one. I liked her first series but I love this one - what's next for this writer?

Kelly x

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